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ERASMUS+ strategic partnership
Mobile youth work development
Project nr. 2022-1-LV02-KA220-YOU-000089728
Main objectives of this Project:
1.To research and to collect best practices about mobile youth work activities from 4 different countries and if possible also from other if youth workers have.
2. To create innovative training program for mobile youth workers in cities and rural areas.
3. Increase 24 youth worker competencies by participating in training for youth workers, by activities reached at least 600 young people and collected their feedback and ideas.
4. To develop tools for mobile youth work activities and to try it in practical work (story telling, calibration as equal partners, generating table game, using digital tools, debate, team play, tracking, workshops, etc. ) It will be organized 40 mobile youth work activities (20 in rural areas and 20 in urban areas) for youngsters from 11-18 years.
5. Methodology on mobile youth work for youth workers adaptable for rural and urban areas.
6. Meetings with local trainers, teachers, youth workers and decision makers, politicians to share project results and suggestions for developing youth policy in region.
Project partners:
1st meeting in Burtnieki youth center, Latvia 2022