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ERASMUS+ youth exchange
With or with out media
Project nr. 2022-1-LV02-KA151-YOU-000051876
"With or without social media” youth exchange involved 16 young people and 4 youth leaders. Youth exchange will include activities about different social media and impact of them to persons life, some days will have challenge to live without social media that will give opportunity for participants to be disconnected from life-online. Each country will have time to share their experience and knowledge about chosen social media or digital tool what can be used by working with youngs or is creative. During the activities, partici-pants will acquire digital skills, communication and presentation skills, knowledge of cultural dif-ferences, life experiences, travel, international cooperation. Young people with learning difficulties and a range of limited opportunities will have the experience, knowledge and skills to help change the situation. During the activities, the young people will get to know themselves, learn about other cultures and develop cooperation. Young people will act on their own, which will make them step out of the comfort zone and allow them to identify themselves, their role in shaping their OWN lives and providing support to others. The main result of the project will be the youngsters will step out of daily comfort zone to meet each other in not original life situation.
Project participants form Latvia, Italy, Turkey and Bulgaria - 4 group leaders and 16 participants in age from 17-23 years.
Activities took place in Burtnieki Youth center, Burtnieki parish, Vamieras regional municipality from 10.05.2023-18.05.2023